Summer Village of Silver Sands
Mailing Address
Box 8, Alberta Beach, Alberta T0E 0A0
New Office/Courier Location
2317 Township Road 545, Lac Ste. Anne County, AB T0E 1V0
Contact Information
Blue Bag Recycling helps to keep waste out of the landfills.
All of the Blue Bags collected in Silver Sands are delivered to a recycling facility for sorting and shipped from there to process.
Waste Collection
Waste Collection: The Summer Village contracts weekly summer waste pick up on Tuesday
mornings during the months of May to October and bi-weekly winter waste pickup
during the months of November to April.
Blue-Bag Recycle Collection: Blue-Bag Recycle collection will follow the waste collection schedule.
2025 Waste & Blue-Bag Collection Calendar - Print Here
Recycling in Silver Sands
Recycling helps to divert the following items from filling up our landfills.
Thank you to all of the residents who use and support this program!
Summer Village
Compost Site
Now Open!
The Summer Village Compost site is located at the Public Works Quonset.
Hours of operation are
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The site currently accepts leaves, grass clippings and lake weeds.
Blue Bag Recycling is here!
The Summer Village of Silver Sands is Going green! The Summer Village has begun a Blue-bag recycling program.
Blue bags will be collected on Tuesday mornings - bi-weekly during the
winter months (November to April) and weekly during the summer months
(May to October).
How the program works?
-Residents will be responsible for supplying their own Blue bags (these are blue-colored large plastic garbage-type bags – can be purchased at most grocery / hardware / department stores) to use for household recyclables.
-There is no limit on the number of blue bags you can put out!
What items can be put into the Blue bags?
-Mixed Paper
-Paperboard/Cardboard (clean, no food soil) (please break down large cardboard boxes)
-Tin Cans (cleaned)
-Rigid Plastic (#1 & #2)
-Deposit Items (Mix containers, pop & beer cans/bottles, tetra paks)
What items can NOT be put into the Blue bags?
NO Styrofoam! / NO straws or plastic utensils! / NO plastic bags! / NO hazardous waste!
Bags will be tagged and will not be picked up if they contain items that are not allowed.
Waste Pick Up Information
Waste Pick Up is on Tuesday Mornings at 7:00 a.m.
The Summer Village contracts solid waste pickup service. Waste containers are picked up bi-weekly during the winter months of November to April & weekly during the summer months of May to October. Each property is provided with a waste container. Please ensure your container is out by 7:00 a.m. on collection days. If you require repair or replacement of your waste container, contact the waste services provider directly at 780-967-2118.
Household Cart Tips
Some general guidelines for cart use are as follows:
Place your cart at your collection point by 7:00 a.m. on collection day.
Place your cart on the road surface.
Ensure the cart opens toward the road. (Wheels and handles toward your house)
Place carts at least 1 m from parked cars, other carts or any obstruction.
Ensure that only approved waste is contained in the cart, ONLY non-hazardous waste is accepted.
Avoid overfilling the cart. Lids must close for proper dumping.Regional Landfill Site
Large items and excessive waste can be taken to the Highway 43 Waste Commission located on highway 43 and RR35. Their hours are Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (closed on stat holidays and Sundays). There is a charge of $60.00/tonne.
Tips for Reducing Waste
Reduce - Buy only what you need. If you buy too much food, it'll spoil before you get the chance to eat it. Use reusable shopping bags - always carry a bag with you, just in case you need one. Find out how to compost and compost food scraps and use them to grow more food. Avoid purchasing products with excessive packaging.
Reuse Shop second-hand and at consignment stores or consider re-selling your ‘stuff’ before throwing it out. Utilize sites like Kijiji and Ebay for buying and selling.
Recycle Look for public recycling bins when you're out at the park or shopping centre. Request recycling bins when you find a business that doesn’t have one. Try all waste disposal options, and at last, throw it out.
Examine your buying and disposal habits
Do you choose durable goods over disposables?
Do you bring your own reusable bags and carry a reusable mug with you?
Do you separate materials for reuse, recycle and compost?
Council is aware that the bi-weekly waste schedule may not accommodate some families. The following options are, therefore, available to you:
Larger items can be disposed of at the Summer Village’s Annual Large Bin Clean up which is held in May or can be taken year-round to the Regional Landfill Site located at RR35 and Hwy 43, a per tonne fee will apply.
Other Recyclable items can be taken to the Regional Landfill Site located at RR35 and Hwy 43. The following items are accepted:
Paper, Cardboard, Clear Glass, Plastics, Tires, Batteries, Paint, Hazardous Household Waste, and Electronics. Household Hazardous Waste Roundups are held each year in the month of September in Onoway and Mayerthorpe. Pesticide Containers must be triple or pressure washer rinsed and the cap and booklet removed but leave the label on.
Requests for additional waste carts
The Summer Village's Waste Cart Policy allows for the provision of one waste cart per titled lot in the Summer Village. If residents would like an additional waste cart, the waste services provider, Standstone, can be contacted directly at 780-967-2118 and residents can enter into a private agreement to purchase/lease an additional waste cart. Residents will be responsible to the waste contractor for the cost of the additional cart as well as for the cost of regular waste removal and waste tippage fees. The waste contractor will be responsible for the invoicing and collection of payment through any private residential waste agreements.
Please ensure your waste cart and your blue bags are out by 7:00 a.m. on
pick-up day!